Day 1- Twenty-five days of gratitude

I saw this idea on facebook and thought it was such a good one.  For twenty-five days I'm going to write about something that day that I'm grateful for.   So here is day number one...

ONE:  Today I am grateful for popcorn.
     For Christmas my parents surprised us and bought us a small popcorn maker complete with scoop, classic popcorn bags, and a years supply of popcorn and butter.  Since we are having a gathering at our home tomorrow my Mom wanted my little brother Ben to set up the machine and make sure it worked. I was conveniently working on my laptop nearby while Ben and his friend were setting it up and ended up stopping what I was working on to help them out and chat with them.  Because of it I got to talk with Ben and help get the machine going I am grateful.  I have been away at College and China for a while and when I'm home it doesn't seem like I get to spend all that much time with my brothers anymore, so I am grateful that we could have a few precious moments to talk and do something together, even if it was over such a simple thing as making popcorn.


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