May 23-28

This week has been pretty busy which is really nice.  I have been helping receive shipments and organize the perennials and annuals on the tables.  I also made a map of the tables and where things were for coworkers reference.  It really helps the cashiers if they can point out where something is to a customer.  I have noticed that a lot of people have been buying snapdragons lately.  The most popular color is a magenta pink.

Tidbits of Info:

Osteospermum flowers come in annual and perennial varieties.  The annual ones tend to have more of the crazy colors (oranges, yellows, sunset etc.).  The perennial ones are mostly white, purple, and pink.

Fuchsias don't like being transplanted

Coleus is really touchy about water.  If it gets over watered or underwater than all the leaves fall off.  Plus it doesn't like being in pots.    


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