Is it bad that I am developing a love of wearing wigs?


    While I was in China we when to several malls that sold all kinds of wigs.  It was a blast trying them on and looking at all the goofy styles.  I ended up buying a long black one and wearing off the airplane when I got home.  It was really fun because my sister recognized me immediately and had to convince my family I was there.

     I think it is pretty fun to see what I look like with different hair colors and styles.  I was surprised at how good darker hair looked on me because I've been a blond my whole life.  Anyway, I ended up finding another dark haired wig in our families costume collection and I made it my goal to have it look natural on me.  The wig was old and kind of beat up in the back so I wore a cute knitted hat with it.

Some tips for putting on a wig so it looks natural...

- Use a hair net to keep straggler hairs under control.

-I have psychotic bangs that fly everywhere so bobby pins are a must to hold them down.

- Make a loose bun with your hair at the base of your head close to your neck.  Keep it loose so you can pin it flat with a couple of pins to avoid having a random lump in the back of your head once the wig is on.

-Darken or lighten your eyebrows depending on what color the wig is.  I like using a dark brown waterproof mascara and then cleaning it up with an extra clean mascara brush.  It makes the brows look more natural.

-Eyeliner is a must for hair colors that are darker than your natural look because they pale your complexion and take attention away from your eyes.

- Put the wig on front to back.  Start by aligning the front of the wig over your eyebrows than find the back of the wig and pull down over your neck slowly until the front of the wig is barely covering your natural hairline.

-Pin two bobby pins on either side of your head above the ears to hold the wig firmly in place.  Try to push one side of the bobby pin through the net or mesh of the wig and hide the pins underneath the hair.

-Adjust the bangs and the hair so it is out of your face but still covering your hair completely.

- Hats are really good at hiding any unnatural bumps or holes in the wig if it is old.  Hair bands also work well.  Hats also do a really good job of making the hair look natural because they draw more attention then the hair which is usually more realistic.  You don't want your hair to stand out too much.  Only enough for someone to complement how nice it looks that day, or how cute your style is.  :)


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